I've lost the serial number of my Tevion FS5000. I have the device, the CD but no CD sleeve with the serial number. Can you help me install the software for Windows 11?
Answer by
Saumya Sharma
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide you with a serial number. Please contact the manufacturer or seller of the Tevion FS5000 for assistance with installing the software.
To get the program "NimoFilm" to work on a MacBook Pro, you may need to use virtualization software like Parallels or install a Windows operating system on your MacBook using Boot Camp. Then you can install and run the program on the Windows system within your MacBook.
I lost my serial number and I need to re-install my Nimofilm PVR software. How can I make it? I have the CD-Rom, but the serial number attached on it is not accepted (3372 000444 001).
Answer by
Sean Hill
If you have issues with the serial number, then I recommend using the contact options found on the official website of the developer to get in touch with him. This will ensure you have a direct way to the developer to ask him about this error. It's possible that the serial number to be over-used and because of that you receive an error.
I launched Nimofilm USB film scanner version 3.0.0 and I can't find the "capture" function in the menu bar.
Answer by
Robert Polubinski
If the scanner has been attached to PC and the software was installed as well, then you need to make sure the drivers are installed also. To check this, go to Start > Run > devmgmt.msc. If you see a yellow device, right-click it and select Update Driver. If the drivers were installed properly, the scanner should install normally.
Additionally, get in touch with the party that sold you the device and request that they provide you with the necessary software and drivers. The capture becomes available when then device is properly installed on the target PC.
My installation disk for NimoFilm has some defects and I need to install it on my desk. How can I get a new one or can I download it? My Registration number is d69f524726bdb89c. The .exe file I need is for Windows 8.
Answer by
Stephen Prastman
The software is available for downloading from the official website, but you have to be a customer to obtain it. Use that number and register on the website, then the download should become available.
The registration is done through email, you will have to specify the following:
​Please specify your company name, contact person, contact number, etc
The PC (Windows 7, 64 bit) seems not to communicate well with the scanner although the green light on top of the scanner is on. When I click Capture nothing happens. On one occasion, however, it did actually work, but I have not been able to repeat that.
Answer by
Sean Hill
The capturing error might be related to the driver's installation. Access Device Manager and make sure that the driver is installed. Otherwise, right click the device and select Update driver. Let Windows search for the drivers installed and your computer and then the capture button should work. If you still have issues with the software, re-install it. This could also be a bug in the way the application works. Re-installing will replace all the broken files, therefore restoring its functionality.
When clicking on capture I get an error - ShowVideo Microsoft and some Chinese letters then it's stopping and closing.
Answer by
Julia Bocchetta
The error could be related to the lack of supported codecs or due to the wrong settings used in the application. The first thing to do is to check what codecs you have installed. Go to the application, access the Settings menu and under Video look for the used Codecs. If there are only the standard ones that came with Windows then install CCCP. Restart the software and choose FFMPEG. After this procedure, load a file and it should work. There is no need to configure the codecs, unless you know what you're doing.
After copying my slides , they too much blue colour. FS5000 NimoFIlm 2009. Software Upgrade available ?
Yes, it is possible that a software upgrade is available for NimoFilm to address the issue of too much blue color after copying slides.
I've lost the serial number of my Tevion FS5000. I have the device, the CD but no CD sleeve with the serial number. Can you help me install the software for Windows 11?
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide you with a serial number. Please contact the manufacturer or seller of the Tevion FS5000 for assistance with installing the software.
To get the program "NimoFilm" to work on a MacBook Pro, you may need to use virtualization software like Parallels or install a Windows operating system on your MacBook using Boot Camp. Then you can install and run the program on the Windows system within your MacBook.
I lost my serial number and I need to re-install my Nimofilm PVR software. How can I make it? I have the CD-Rom, but the serial number attached on it is not accepted (3372 000444 001).
If you have issues with the serial number, then I recommend using the contact options found on the official website of the developer to get in touch with him. This will ensure you have a direct way to the developer to ask him about this error. It's possible that the serial number to be over-used and because of that you receive an error.
Contact information page: http://www.mysher.com/map_En.jsp
You have the possibility to contact it using the phone or the email address.
I launched Nimofilm USB film scanner version 3.0.0 and I can't find the "capture" function in the menu bar.
If the scanner has been attached to PC and the software was installed as well, then you need to make sure the drivers are installed also. To check this, go to Start > Run > devmgmt.msc. If you see a yellow device, right-click it and select Update Driver. If the drivers were installed properly, the scanner should install normally.
Additionally, get in touch with the party that sold you the device and request that they provide you with the necessary software and drivers. The capture becomes available when then device is properly installed on the target PC.
My installation disk for NimoFilm has some defects and I need to install it on my desk. How can I get a new one or can I download it? My Registration number is d69f524726bdb89c. The .exe file I need is for Windows 8.
The software is available for downloading from the official website, but you have to be a customer to obtain it. Use that number and register on the website, then the download should become available.
The registration is done through email, you will have to specify the following:
​Please specify your company name, contact person, contact number, etc
Official page: http://www.mysher.com/software_En.jsp?id=106
The PC (Windows 7, 64 bit) seems not to communicate well with the scanner although the green light on top of the scanner is on. When I click Capture nothing happens. On one occasion, however, it did actually work, but I have not been able to repeat that.
The capturing error might be related to the driver's installation. Access Device Manager and make sure that the driver is installed. Otherwise, right click the device and select Update driver. Let Windows search for the drivers installed and your computer and then the capture button should work. If you still have issues with the software, re-install it. This could also be a bug in the way the application works. Re-installing will replace all the broken files, therefore restoring its functionality.
When clicking on capture I get an error - ShowVideo Microsoft and some Chinese letters then it's stopping and closing.
The error could be related to the lack of supported codecs or due to the wrong settings used in the application. The first thing to do is to check what codecs you have installed. Go to the application, access the Settings menu and under Video look for the used Codecs. If there are only the standard ones that came with Windows then install CCCP. Restart the software and choose FFMPEG. After this procedure, load a file and it should work. There is no need to configure the codecs, unless you know what you're doing.